2012 Crown Royale - [Base] - Purple #265 - Jarius Wright /25

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Parallels & Grades
[Base]  /349 $4.85  (8)
Retail Uncut Crown  /299 $0.00
Holo Silver  /149 $4.66  (2)
Holo Gold  /99 $10.03
Green  /49 $0.00
Purple  /25 $22.97  (2)
Blue  /5 $0.00
All Sellers $22.97  (2)
CanadaWarehouse $22.97
tycamsports $23.24
Set Tag: 11142
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2012 Crown Royale - [Base] - Purple #265 - Jarius Wright /25

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Owner: CanadaWarehouse    Item: 117571477
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Owner: tycamsports    Item: 12470575
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