1951 Bowman - [Base] #55 - Gene Hermanski [Poor to Fair]

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[Base] $3.97  (12)
Raw $9.63  (2)
Good to VG-EX $3.97  (6)
Poor to Fair $4.51  (4)
All Sellers $4.51  (4)
cardboardlegendsonline $4.51
DakotaCards $4.57
Dalyoty $6.58
sjwk2000 $9.40
Set Tag: 49
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1951 Bowman - [Base] #55 - Gene Hermanski [Poor to Fair]

$7.14 (37% off)
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Owner: DakotaCards    Item: 232737006
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Owner: Dalyoty    Item: 229947286
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Owner: sjwk2000    Item: 69903406
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