Help build the new COMC catalog!
$1 per 1,000 points is still on!
We are no longer awarding daily prizes, but we are still awarding $1 of store credit for every 1,000 points!
The community continues to be awesome - good suggestions, helpful feedback, and amazing participation have gotten us very close to a complete basic catalog. We've been listening, and will continue to award $1 of Store Credit for every 1000 points earned, for a limited time only!
Instant Payouts
When you earn 1000 points by submitting data in the COMC Challenge, $1 of Store Credit will be immediately deposited into your account.
The first challenge you complete of every day is worth double points if your score is 100% correct. So check back daily to go for double points!
Finally, some of our Challenge superstars are accumulating an incredible number of points. To any user who at any time earns a total of more than 1 million lifetime points, we will award an exclusive red COMC Contributor badge to your user name on the site in honor of your amazing contribution. This opportunity will be ongoing, as new Challenges over the coming year will help us build a catalog that is deeper and richer than ever before. Earning a million points will be an incredible effort, but some people are well on their way already!
The Idea
The idea behind the COMC Challenges is simple: we have millions of card images, and we're asking the community to provide information from the cards while our identification experts focus on the creation of sets. Challenges are designed to gather data as quickly and efficiently as possible by showing a series of cards and asking simple questions about them.
To direct our focus toward catalog creation, we retired the COMC IQ Test. History Points, which allow you to view historical sales data on COMC, are now awarded for each point earned while playing COMC Challenges. After you accumulate some History Points, click on the list price of any item on COMC to view how much it sold for, as well as how many sold, in the past.
We can’t thank you enough for your support with this project and welcome your feedback as we work together to bring this valuable resource to card collectors and sellers everywhere.
Lastly, if you would like to offer your expertise with any particular cards or sets, please email with a list of your specialties so we can get in touch.
Grant Wescott
Program Manager