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Parallels & Grades
[Base] $0.57  (113)
Black & White $0.00
Printing Plate Cyan  /1 $0.00
Printing Plate Magenta  /1 $0.00
Printing Plate Yellow  /1 $0.00
All Sellers $0.57  (113)
smepack $0.57
Williamp87qc $0.57
cocoacane $0.58  (2)
jasonfrag $0.58
Leafinc $0.58
mdwood75 $0.58
mint39 $0.58
pooksday31 $0.58
sweeneyman $0.58
goalieparts $0.59
lunderk $0.59
newfie16 $0.59  (2)
unioner0815 $0.60  (13)
nicotomacelli $0.61
ThisIsntEtopps $0.61
Aceone35 $0.62
Krebs91 $0.62  (2)
nmordowitz $0.66
qwas $0.66
Rminnix7 $0.66
rlgraber $0.68
dontgetofftheboat $0.78
everman4285 $0.83
FrodoBaggins $0.83  (3)
johnphaskins $0.83
sthoemke $0.99  (33)
jwin_PHCO $1.12
bryandwells $1.39
Rookies_n_Jerseys $1.68
2HoTScoT $1.69
Charity $1.69  (6)
itsfluffy $1.69  (2)
PrestigiousHockey75 $1.69  (11)
RickyBruce $1.69
seniorfrogg $1.69
STANDnFIGHT $1.69  (4)
ljone34 $2.27
tkendrick3636 $2.27
JAMene $2.55
AdamJones $2.84
MacraeJ $2.84
Pajorii_Collectibles $3.49  (2)
jstraz $3.52
rlsmithcards $6.29
Set Tag: 490212
Listings 1 - 12 of 113 Add all 113 items to my cart

2023-24 Upper Deck Series 1 - UD Canvas #C88 - Nikolaj Ehlers

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Owner: Williamp87qc    Item: 178830619
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Owner: smepack    Item: 178831722
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Owner: Leafinc    Item: 178831264
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Owner: jasonfrag    Item: 178831446
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Owner: sweeneyman    Item: 178832045
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Owner: cocoacane    Item: 178832054
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Owner: mint39    Item: 178832095
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Owner: mdwood75    Item: 178832127
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Owner: cocoacane    Item: 178832135
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Owner: pooksday31    Item: 178832330
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Owner: goalieparts    Item: 178830345
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Owner: lunderk    Item: 178830894
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