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Parallels & Grades
[Base]  /99 $3.12  (2)
Trios  /99 $3.29  (4)
Combos Signatures  /49 $0.00
Trios Prime  /49 $2.84  (2)
Trios Signatures  /49 $6.29  (3)
Trios Prime Signatures  /25 $9.17
All Sellers $6.29  (3)
foandie $6.29
pkchu $14.34
chuckssports $25.84
Set Tag: 169180
Listings 1 - 3 of 3 Add all 3 items to my cart

2011 Playoff National Treasures - NFL Gear - Trios Signatures #29 - Ryan Williams /49

  • Serial #: 28/49
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Owner: foandie    Item: 7774189
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Owner: pkchu    Item: 26358164
$46.54 (44% off)
  • Serial #: 44/49
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Owner: chuckssports    Item: 8901396
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