1998 Upper Deck Encore - [Base] #1 - NFL Star Rookie - Peyton Manning

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[Base] $55.28  (4)
Raw $55.28  (3)
PSA 8 NM-MT $57.70
F/X  /125 $0.00
All Sellers $55.28  (3)
SportscardMachines $55.28
rookieprospect $68.09
TheAwesomeCardShop $81.03
Set Tag: 9051
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1998 Upper Deck Encore - [Base] #1 - NFL Star Rookie - Peyton Manning

$78.74 (30% off)
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Owner: SportscardMachines    Item: 182410829
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Owner: rookieprospect    Item: 110383156
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Owner: TheAwesomeCardShop    Item: 139547030
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