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Parallels & Grades
[Base] $58.04  (31)
Raw $58.04  (4)
SGC 10 GEM $241.00
SGC 9.5 Mint+ $230.00
PSA 10 GEM MT $225.60  (2)
SGC 9 MINT $230.00
PSA 9 MINT $104.62  (19)
CSG 8.5 NM/Mint+ $70.35
PSA 8 NM-MT $208.00
PSA 7 NM $175.00
Blue $200.25  (3)
Black  /299 $0.00
Gold  /50 $0.00
Red  /10 $0.00
Platinum  /1 $0.00
All Sellers $58.04  (4)
PLardInvestments $58.04  (2)
tmud13 $69.71
Gilgamesh $86.49
Set Tag: 304930
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2018 Topps Update Series - 1983 Topps Design #83-2 - Shohei Ohtani

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Owner: PLardInvestments    Item: 80764949
$115.24 (40% off)
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Owner: tmud13    Item: 156966943
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Owner: PLardInvestments    Item: 80764946
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Owner: Gilgamesh    Item: 143944002
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