2017 Topps - [Base] #287.1 - Aaron Judge (Fielding)

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Parallels & Grades
[Base] $22.39  (40)
Raw $22.39  (31)
SGC 10 GEM $103.75
SGC 9.5 Mint+ $98.00
PSA 10 GEM MT $186.00  (2)
PSA 6 EX-MT $34.75
EX to NM $33.55  (4)
All Sellers $22.39  (31)
ACMESportsCards $22.39
bmcards_stl $22.96
ClassicChrome $22.97
aquollie $23.24
HaChiResources $24.39
ttmgrapher $25.51  (2)
papercards $26.72
allstarcollectors $33.59
mntwinsboy $33.59
Booguhred $36.16
markd $36.19
youngun $37.92
nb399897 $40.79  (4)
geauxcards $40.95
limitedbaseballcards $44.53
CAPUTO $46.54
KHPcards $56.89  (8)
Boprieto $86.79  (2)
cardivores $172.80
Set Tag: 266859
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2017 Topps - [Base] #287.1 - Aaron Judge (Fielding)

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Owner: ACMESportsCards    Item: 94756921
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Owner: bmcards_stl    Item: 232727845
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Owner: ClassicChrome    Item: 243019174
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Owner: aquollie    Item: 247766313
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Owner: HaChiResources    Item: 81984698
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Owner: ttmgrapher    Item: 230416892
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Owner: papercards    Item: 123005279
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Owner: allstarcollectors    Item: 232779767
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Owner: mntwinsboy    Item: 240884761
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Owner: ttmgrapher    Item: 232587633
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Owner: Booguhred    Item: 153151382
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Owner: markd    Item: 230250887
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